About JomCheck
About Us
JOMCHECK alliance is the first academe-media-civil society alliance in Malaysia to mitigate the harm of misinformation on our democracy. It builds on a partnership model that brings together various stakeholders to work towards fact-checking, combating mis- and disinformation and disseminating fact-checks to the public. JomCheck is a nonprofit nonpartisan alliance.
JomCheck was founded by a group of journalists and academics who were inspired by collaborative fact-checking models that existed in neighbouring countries such as CekFakta (Indonesia), tsek.ph and FactsFirstPH (Philippines). The group first convened during the 2022 APAC Trusted Media Summit in Singapore. The conference brought together fact-checkers, journalists, academics from around the region and showcased best practices and work done by peers. JomCheck is an outcome of the summit which was attended by nearly two dozen Malaysians.
JomCheck runs on a grant basis. The alliance is currently operating based on funding received from Google News Initiative for the 2022 Malaysia General Elections and 2023 Malaysia State Elections. JomCheck operates independently without interference from grant provider(s) to maintain its nonpartisanship.
Operational Guidelines
JomCheck runs as a collaborative fact-checking alliance where tips/claims received will be openly shared with partners to select for fact-checking. If no partner selects any tips of the day, the JomCheck operational team will undertake the fact-checking work to maintain daily churn of fact-checks.
As it runs based on mutual cooperation between partners, JomCheck does not impose any editorial rules on its partners. Each fact-checking partner abides by their own organisation’s editorial policies. If partner(s) wishes to upskill its verification knowledge, JomCheck will arrange for fact-checking workshop(s) to enable partner(s) have skills required to conduct basic fact-checks.
Non fact-checking partners are expected, but not obligated, to help elevate the published fact-checks through sharing with their networks.
As this is a voluntary partnership, JomCheck operates based on mutual trust that partners believe in the value of collaboration and gathered amplification to combat the spread of mis- and disinformation in Malaysia.
Nonpartisan Policy
JomCheck does not run paid articles by any entities and remains solely a fact-checking alliance. JomCheck also does not discriminate or favour any one partner within the alliance. As an alliance, it welcomes any media, academic or civil society partners to join.
To maintain its nonpartisanship, JomCheck does not accept donations from political parties or the current government.
Corrections Policy
All partners abide by their own editorial policies. JomCheck does not impose any editorial guidelines on its partners. However, if you notice an error in the fact-checked content, you can choose to flag it directly with the publication or with JomCheck. JomCheck will pass the message to partners any error reports it receives.
Contact jomcheck@jomcheck.org with the email subject line “Correction Report”, and include the link to the report.
Our Partners
Supported by Google News Initiative